Franklin Engagement Session Photography – Ryan and Cari
Written by Mel McLellan
When I talk about Ryan, I refer to him as my little brother. Not my brother but my little brother. That’s who he is to me and maybe that’s just how it will always be! That’s why it’s so incredibly weird that he’s old enough to be engaged! I have to say though, he couldn’t have picked a better girl to marry and play house with next October. Welcome to our crazy family Cari. :)
We took these kids out for their engagement session on probably the coldest, wettest day we could manage. The rain started coming down pretty steady when we got a little way down the trail in the park. What luck! Fortunately, they look pretty good as drowned rats! :) Our poor cameras on the other hand, they looked kind of pitiful...
After getting completely soaked, we escaped to the warm inside of the Factory. So much better...
It's so much more comfortable to go outside at this time of year when you know you can go right back in!
I think this is my favorite...
You know, I am a very cool big sister - I didn't get wierded out at all photographing my little brother making out with his fiancee. ha!
The purpose of the last clothing change was to show absolute personality and personal style. Really it's just to give their kids something to make fun of. ;)
Ryan and Cari, thank you for letting us take part in this exciting time! We had a great time hanging out with you guys! :) See you soon...
Mel and Sean
Jacksonville, FL – Workshop-ish-ness
Written by Mel McLellan
Last month, on our way from Savannah, GA to Orange Beach, AL, we made a stop in Jacksonville, FL for a couple of days to see one of our favorite couples! Brad and Mel had us photograph their wedding a couple of years ago and we became fast friends. They are now getting into wedding photography themselves and they volunteered to be our guinea pigs for workshop material. Thanks guys!
The people of the photography industry are so open and giving. Sean and I were fortunate to find several people early in our careers whose thoughts, advice, and experience pushed us to heights we would have never imagined. Because we’ve been given so much, we love being able to pass along our experience and know-how to others! It has been so much fun to talk with Brad and Mel and see them progress as artists and business people! We really enjoyed being able to spend a couple of days with them just talking about branding, and shooting, and getting started. Photographers are such dorks! ;-)
Mel just sent over a few of their images from the shoot we did together and I had to share our experience…
We spent the afternoon on the beach covering just about everything we consider while we shoot: directing the client, how to get variety quickly, lighting set-ups, yada, yada. We had a blast and Heather and Eddie were wonderful models!
I love the wind on the beach! Here’s Sean shooting…
…and the resulting images
Oi! There is a reason I am behind the camera!
Brad and Sean in action
Brad did really great here…
Sean didn’t do so bad either. :-)
Sean giving Mel the low-down
Everyone knows I’m just along to hold the flowers!
Another fantastic Bradford creation
The dynamic duo – are they cool or what?
Again, I heart fallen trees!
Crawling through the branches a bit
…and Mel’s super swank results…
After the beach, we did a little night shooting on our way to dinner. Eddie just got these hot new shades so we had to show them off!
I love this one of Mel’s
Happy Birthday To Me!
Written by Mel McLellan
So today is my birthday. I plan to start off the day with my very first yoga lession - I'm very excited! Then I'll be going out with my handsome husband and doing whatever I feel like that does not involve sitting in front of the computer. YAY! (This is me doing cartwheels if I could!)
When you've had as many birthdays as I've had, I think it gets a bit harder to figure out anything you could possibly want for your birthday. Today, I think I just want rest and relaxation. There is one thing though that is always on my long term wish list but I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to go about it. I need your help! To help illustrate, I've dug out some of my old photo class work from college. That's right! I sifted through my NEGATIVES and old hand-printed work made with REAL film and chemicals in a darkroom! Wow - I would love to say those were the days but digital is so much nicer to me! Even in my teens, I loved old rusty stuff