Kandinsky for Kids, Art Project and Study
I love exploring abstract art with kids because they’re so naturally good at it. Adults (myself included) get very stuck in their perceptions of things and struggle with it, but the abstract flows so freely from children.
A few weeks back we studied Kandinsky.
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian artist in the first half of the 20th century. He is credited with creating some of the first works of truly abstract art and is known to many as the father of abstract art.

“Yellow-Red-Blue” by Kandinsky
Kandinsky loved music and color and wanted his work to be about those things above all. He used color to convey emotion rather than actual objects.
We looked at various pieces by the artist online and in books before beginning our own.
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration with Kids
We’re big fans of Saint Patrick’s Day around here. It’s pretty much the only thing we have to hold onto as a cultural thing and we do our part to pay homage to our Irish roots when St. Paddy’s Day rolls around!
As we gear up for this year, I thought I’d share a little with you about what we did last year with our friends. Continue Reading
Geography of Africa: Cake Edition
Lessons just sink in better when there’s cake involved, don’t you think? ;)
During our study of Africa, we made geographical maps of the continent using cakes and frosting. The kids were fans. Continue Reading