Have you been to the park lately?
I love this time of year! The heat is finally dying down and yet the cold hair hasn’t quite made it here yet – it’s perfect. :) If you haven’t been out for a picnic yet then you really should get moving! We went over the weekend with some friends to Percy Warner Park for a picnic lunch and it was so much fun! There is nothing better than laying outside on a blanket in the shade of a large tree with nothing to do. :) Of course we brought the camera – we’re trying to get better about taking personal pictures – if anyone should know how important photography is, it’s us photographers!
Can you tell we packed strawberries? :)
and what’s a picnic without a little frisbee?
Shannon and I getting ready for our close-up-
I know I know – so hott right? ;)
Do you ever find that you’re tempted to do things you did when you were little when you’re out at the park? As you can see, our gymnastics skills have seen better days…
and lastly, one of these because you can’t have a great day at the park with friends without a cheeser to show for it! :)
So, as I was saying, a September picnic is something you really should look into – I highly recommend it!
Happy Fall!
– Mel
Look what I found this morning!
Google always comes out with all sorts of great free toys. I decided to download and check out Picasa this morning… And when I started it up, it automatically searched all of the hard drives and found all of our image files (wow did that take a long time)… Anyhow, it had a feature to organize them by date, so I started looking through the earliest things it found, and there were all sorts of old things that I didn’t even know we had. Here’s one in particular that I wanted to share.
Melanie was an art major in college, and she concentrated on portraiture (And if I do say so, myself, she is really good at it!). Here is a photo from her senior show that I found of our friends Missy & Josh in front of some drawings she did of them. Artists are never satisfied with their own work–so rather than show this to her first so she can say “no, you can’t show anybody those old drawings!” and try to stop me… Instead, I’m going to post this really quick while she isn’t looking!
They eventually got married, and we shot their wedding last year in Asheville, NC.