Flickr from the beach
Flickr from the beach, originally uploaded by .
In theory, I should be able to take photos with my iPhone, and postthem straight to our blog via Flickr… So let’s see if this actuallyshows up!
I’ll also be uploading iPhone photos that aren’t necessarilyblogworthy to Flickr. Feel free to check out the coming randomness here:
Sean >> sent from my totally rockin’ iPhone.
Running 30 Miles? Can it be done?
Yes, it’s true. I’ve joined the race.
What is this, you ask? Several photographers from around the country are racing, Nike+ style, starting tomorrow. First to 30 miles wins. The winner gets iTunes gift certificates and a blog link from all the losers. I’m not much of a runner, but it sounded like a great idea to me and I’m pretty excited about it (Not to mention that it was a great excuse to pick up one of the sweet new iPod nano’s!)
I’ve temporarily added a graph to the very bottom right of the blog so you can see the rankings live as they are updated at the end of each persons individual runs. I’ll also be updating (and probably talking trash) via Twitter, which you’ll see at the bottom center of the blog.
When I say I’m not much of a runner, I mean that I never run. Ever. So I’m going to need lots of support comments to keep me going–leave some encouragement below and help me win this race!
And by “win” what I actually mean is “not come in last”
Happy Birthday Granny!
Ok, so we’ve been trying so hard to get the new blog up all week and I’ve been holding back on all of these posts so that they could be on the pretty, shiny, new blog! This past Monday was my Granny’s 67th birthday! I don’t get to see her nearly as much as I’d like. She only lives a couple of hours away but every day seems swamped lately! Sometimes you just have to make time and do the things that are important so Sean and I took off to the Chattanooga area on Monday to have a late lunch and spend some time with the fam.
While we were there, my uncle gave me this really cool picture of my Papa when he was young. I love these little finds! They are such treasures! This was a wallet-sized photo they had found in my great grandmother’s house after she died. This is why we do what we do. Everyone should have a documentary of their lives for their families to treasure! This picture is so dear to me and I would love to have more like it – ones that show him laughing or how he wrapped his arm around my grandmother’s waist when they were young. It’s so important!
Happy birthday Granny! :) We love you!