Last week’s wedding was a big event for me because Jesse and I met each other when we were about 8 or 9 years old.  We grew up together…  In fact, for a small couple of month stretch in there somewhere, his parents were my legal guardians–so we were pretty much brothers at one point in time.

I can’t believe that the time has gone so quickly.  Jesse–I could easily be convinced that it was just a few short months ago that we built our amazing fort in the forest (complete with catapults, log avalanche release, and the snake pit security system) and I was wailing on you at Mario Kart (best. game. EVER).

Nostalgic memories of destroying each other aside… Friday was Jesse & Paige’s wedding, and also Jesse’s 25th birthday (Smart to pick an easy anniversary date, eh?  Guys, take note)  So happy birthday Jesse, and congratulations to you and Paige!

They were married at Dyer Observatory in Brentwood, which was a fun new location for us.  Lots of great wooded areas all around–so to be sure and get some of that McLellan FLAVAH, we passed by all of that heading straight for the giant telescope, and then out onto the roof.   Tough to pick between a roof shot and a telescope shot… but since it was our first wedding at the observatory, giant telescope wins.

Have fun in Hawaii, you two! Bring us back…  whatever it is that people bring back from Hawaii.  And don’t get swallowed by a volcano. I hear that happens sometimes.



This blog will continue where our old blog left off. It has been in the works for a while now, and we’re excited that it’s finally ready to launch! We wanted a blog with a more crisp, clean look that is easy to read and makes it even easier to participate. Comments are now shown right below each post, so you don’t have to click on anything to find them, and the new commenting system is incredibly easy to use–so use it! We want to hear from you.

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So, there you have it! Drop us a line and let us know what you think! Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Sean & Mel