Headed home from Tampa
Headed home from Tampa, originally uploaded by .
Hey, everybody! We’ve been up for 21 hours a day this entire week and are more than overflowing with great new ideas. No time to post anyphotos just yet (aside from the random jellyfish photo taken with my iPhone at the Tampa Bay Aquarium), but definitely check back on Thursday to see some of what we’ve been up to! We’ll also be returning the mountain of emails that have come in…Talk to you soon,
Sean / posted from my totally rockin’ iPhone.
rockin shot from your dang iphone now too? i hate you. ;)
We had a flippin’ awesome time in Tampa!! Tough luck on the Oreo’s Sean. Maybe if I had stuck around for moral support I could have cheered you into 2 more Oreo’s.
hey guys i referred you on a thread on the forum looking for awesome tennessee photogs. i gave them your web address, cuz you are awesome!!
Hey, come to think of it, Tampa WAS kinda fun! Great meeting you two!
Thank you so much, David! We really appreciate it! Brad–we had a great time too… and nice thought, but I think that no matter how much support I had, that was my last cookie! Matt–great meeting you and Krystal! looking forward to hanging out in the future!