27 Dresses with Ashley

Written by Mel McLellan

Ashley, of Ashley's Bride Guide is treating a group of Nashville bride's to a "Bridal Break" with the movie 27 Dresses.  She's asked us to help spread the word and who doesn't like a free movie right?  So head on over to Ashley's site and register or just take a look around.  She has some great features and cool ideas for local brides! 


Happy Birthday, Mema!

Written by Sean McLellan

We had a great time on Saturday, celebrating my Mema's birthday!

I want to continue to blog more than just the weddings, portraits, etc. we're doing, but I also don't want to just post super-boring-poke-me-in-the-eye-with-a-sharp-stick grip-and-grin shots.  So... with that in mind, here is something that you'll hopefully find at least slightly more entertaining.  Here we are, all striking our poses of choice.



Thank you for always being there--your friendship and all that you've done for me and done for us is truly a treasure.  Thank you for raising me to believe that if I so choose...  that I can fly.

Wedding Photographers hit Tampa (for real this time)

Written by Sean McLellan

We just got back from the Digital Wedding Forum convention in Tampa, FL and it was fantastic! What a great week--we're full of new ideas at the moment... Lots of great things in store for this year. And completely unrelated to those great, significant things... Here are some photos of complete ridiculousness. First up would be the 1st International Oreo Eating Contest. This is me, probably shortly before giving the "I shall destroy all who challenge me" speech.


Greg Gibson is quite pleased with the shot he just got.


At all times, we are ready with the look. Oh yes. Always. Ready.


Jen Bebb, shooting us the look.


Under NO circumstances will you touch the animals.


I could continue, but it turns out that we have 137 photos from our trip to share with you, which was going to make for much too long of a blog post... so instead, how about a slideshow? These photos were taken with a combination of iPhones, Point & Shoot cameras, and a "real" camera. Special thanks to Larz for the photo of Mel and me on the couch towards the middle of the show. Paul C. Johnson for nearly all of the photos at the very end of the actual Oreo Smackdown. Also, a few of the Oreo photos were taken by Garrett & Joy Nudd.  And a big thanks to Critsey Rowe for her photos of... Well, yes. That reminds me. Before I forget... I probably ought to explain. If you look closely (or not so closely, really...) you're going to notice a few shots that look like dead people. We helped Critsey Rowe gather people up throughout the week to set up several CSI style crime scenes. The idea was that we'd post the photos, and people would have to figure out the identity of the "victims." (Yes, I know. Photographers are weird.) Can you spot Mel and me?