Miss Charlie is One!

Written by Mel McLellan

Oh this girl! She is such a doll-baby! The amount of personality packed into this tiny little creature is amazing and wonderful. :) Happy Birthday, Charlie!

How to create an amazing bioluminescent bay experience on Vieques island, Puerto Rico

Written by Mel McLellan

So I told you in my Puerto Rico Girls' Trip post that the Bio Bay on Vieques Island is amazing – like, AH-MAZING. The island itself is actually quite the little gem with incredible beaches, wild horses just roaming freely everywhere and an awesome laid back beach culture. It’s true. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. Puerto Rico Trip Vieques Island Here’s what’s also true: getting there is a real pain in rear. It takes a lot of preparation and a little luck to make it, but I’m going to help you navigate all of that as best I can. Here goes…

My Puerto Rico Girls’ Trip and Why You Should Go There

Written by Mel McLellan

Otherwise known as: All the Things I’m Obsessed With About Puerto Rico. A lot of people feel like they have to put their big dreams of travel on hold when they have kids. I get it. It’s a lot to coordinate and especially if you want to go somewhere that isn’t well suited to children.  It’s hard to find someone who will watch your kids for you for a week+ while you and your partner leave at the same time. Sean and I feel this way more and more as the sheer volume of children in our house grows. We didn’t want to wait until they’re all half-grown to go on adventures, though, so we decided we would regularly make going out individually happen. This year was our first time and it was awesome! We picked fun destinations and went exploring with friends. We had such a great time that we’re already planning for next year’s big trips.