McLellan Studio is now McLellan Style
If you’ve checked our blog and website over the past week, you’ve noticed some changes happening.
Since we originally launched our business, we’ve come a long way by working tirelessly to develop a completely original, unique, recognizable style. As part of this growth, we’ve been considering changing our business name for a while now, and a few weeks ago it just clicked for both of us at the same time. “McLellan Style” is much more indicative of who we are and what we do.
100% Original. 100% McLellan Style.
Everything is looking good so far. Looks like your hard work is paying off. :) No bugs that I see. Now slowly back away from the computer and live your life a little. :)
Haha! Good advice, Abra! Thanks for the feedback :)
congrats guys! looking good!
looks great guys! congrats on the new blog style & branding!
I like the fancy new blog header. Snazzy.
I 100% love the new name! very cool!
we love your style!!! seriously who doesn’t?
Thanks Everyone! We’re really excited about the change and glad you like it too! :o)
Me likey! You do have a “style” and it rocks!!!
Thanks Cathy!