Exploring Northern Alabama Part 2: Dismals Canyon
Picking up from Part 1 of our Northern Alabama road trip…
Does anyone else have a bunch of random screen captures on their phones of amazing places to visit that pop up in their Facebook and Instagram feeds? Mine is littered with them.
Somewhere along the way I was scrolling through Facebook when a random Buzzfeed article popped up talking about a place in Alabama that looked like it was straight out of Lord of the Rings. My interest was officially piqued. Continue Reading
Exploring Northern Alabama with Kids Part 1: The US Space and Rocket Center
We like to get out for adventures with the kids often. Sometimes that means a month-long excursion, but other times just a few days will do. When thinking about travel plans with little ones, it doesn’t have to be a “go big or go home” sort of thing.
Last month we took a few days and traveled down to Northern Alabama.
The US Space and Rocket Center is there, and just down the road is Dismals Canyon, which is heralded as the only place in Alabama that looks like it’s straight out of Lord of the Rings. Spring was approaching and the RV was crying out from the back yard for a road trip. We couldn’t think of a better time or reason to shake off the cobwebs and take her for a spin, not that you ever really need a great reason to get us our for an RV trip.
Plans were set into motion.
We planned for one day of space exploration, and one day of hiking in Middle Earth. Continue Reading
West Tennessee Mini Road Trip
Last week was our “Spring Break” for our homeschool group, and it’s in quotes because all that meant was that we took a trip together to do three days of learning with our friends, instead of one day here at home.
That sounds like something those overachieving, overbearing homeschool parent types would say so let me pause here and clarify. We ARE NOT those parents. Straight up doing nothing for Spring Break is really awesome and encouraged. Travel just happens to be where we are at our homeschooling best. Trust me when I say that you are most definitely showing us up all day, every day. ;)
We all decided on a 3-day mini-roadtrip to west Tennessee. When I just think of what is in west Tennessee off the top of my head, not a lot comes to mind for young children. However, once we got to digging, we found all kinds of great stuff within a 3.5 hour drive of our house. Continue Reading