Posts Tagged ‘workflow’
Pricing, Process, and Profit Workshop (Free, thanks to ShootDotEdit!)
Want to improve your wedding photography business? Join us on May 3rd for the Pricing, Process and Profit Workshop. Brought to you by our friends at ShootDotEdit, free of charge!
Dial in your Pricing and Packaging (Jared Bauman)
Jared will explore pricing and packaging for professional wedding photographers and how important it is to the success of your business. Jared will reveal the secrets behind pricing and packaging, the basics to each pricing strategy, and the science behind effectively setting up your pricing, whether it be Packages or A La Carte.
Systems are Sexy (Leeann Marie)
Do you find yourself always saying “This is the year I’ll get organized an efficient!”? Let’s talk…
I’m not talking a pretty branded website, latest gear, or Photoshop actions – I’m talking about creating a business that not only meets your client’s needs, but exceeds them. A wedding photography business that is as efficient as possible – even if you consider yourself more a photographer, and not so much a “business person”
Leeann will speak about how a clear communication strategy, studio timeline, and kick butt techniques can move your business toward being one that finally gives you back your time, money, and energy. This is the year to make your systems amazing!
Top Profit Tips (Sean and Melanie McLellan)
With sales averaging five figures per wedding for the past five consecutive years, Sean & Melanie McLellan’s strategies have proven very successful despite the ups and downs of the current economic climate. Gleaning from the knowledge that has brought them this track record of success, they will share with you ways in which you can increase your bottom line starting right now with the clients you’ve already booked.
Join Sean & Mel for as many tips and practical strategies as can be packed into a 30 minute time frame! If you want to make your business more profitable in 2012, you will not want to miss!
The Pricing, Process, and Profit Workshop is coming to:
- Indianapolis, IN
- Louisville, KY
- Nashville, TN
- Seattle, WA
- Boston, MA
- New York City, NY
Me and I will be guests at the Nashville, TN workshop on May 3rd and details are here:
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2012
Location: The Village Chapel. 2021 21st Ave #C120, Nashville TN 37212
Time: 6:00pm
Price: FREE (But you must RSVP here to attend!)