I wake up this morning feeling so fortunate to be surrounded by all of these sleepy babes.

Blessed is the first word for my circumstances that springs to mind for many (myself included) and while it is true, I don’t like to use it because I remember what it’s like to not be “blessed” with children. I can’t imagine why a God who loves us would choose to “bless” some longing souls with children and not others. I just can’t fathom that it works that way, so I say that I am fortunate.

Yes, today is a happy day for me, but there were many Mother’s Days that were sad reminders of what I didn’t have in my life. There was one Mother’s Day in particular when I had lost my son and was filled with uncertainty over whether I’d ever have children I could hold, and it broke me.

I know what it’s like to not feel at all blessed or fortunate on Mother’s Day. If that’s you today, know that you’re loved and remembered, and we join you in prayer and hope for better Mother’s Days to come. <3

— Mel


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