International Portrait Photography – Croatia Family Session
Written by Mel McLellan
So the Croatian seaside is harder to find that you might think - especially if the boys in the car are looking harder for a colosseum than the seaside. ;o) On our day trip to Croatia, we finally found a piece of seaside just as the sun was setting. Julia was our model for the day and she did very well showing us her "serious European model" side. What do you expect? It's tough being two and dragged around by a bunch of adults! I don't know why we're all so obsessed with making people smile for a camera anyway. There's something very natural about a subtle pleasant look. Meet Julia -
International Wedding Photography – Venice, Italy – Kaleena and Jake
Written by Mel McLellan
Venice is one of our new favorite cities! I love the lack of cars and everyone walking to and from the markets and cafes. Add to that the rustic architecture and it's just such whimsical blast from the past! We had a great session with Jake and Kaleena and I'll get more from that up in the coming weeks. Right now, I thought I'd share one of the images from their session that Sean had the opportunity to work on while we were away. We'll be home from Mexico very soon! Hasta Luego! :o)
Franklin, TN Baby Photography – Georgia
Written by Mel McLellan
It's hard to believe how big little Miss Georgia is already! Last week, the time for 6 week portraits had already arrived - wow! Here she is! She'll be grown in a blink... :o)