On Babyhood Fading

Please excuse me. I’m having a moment.

You see, I’m watching his baby-ness fade before my very eyes. He still has a lot of baby left right now, but I’m seeing glimpses of the toddler peeking through. The baby in him is beginning to slip away and he’s becoming a little boy.

Babyhood – that time when you child is really and truly all baby and not even a little bit of a toddler yet – it’s just so terribly fleeting.

That’s been ok up until now because we knew there would be more babies. But this time, as my baby boy becomes my toddler, the baby-ness is leaving our house forever and — (deep breaths…stifle ugly cry) – I just don’t even want to think about it. I need time to slow the ever-loving-daylights down. Because it’s not just babyhood we’re leaving behind. This marks the beginning of the end of our house being full of really little people.

Ugh. (deep breath in…resist the ugly cry, again) Continue Reading

I do this thing when it comes to pursuing my professional dreams. I say, “sure. I’ll do that someday when the kids are bigger, but they come first right now.” I follow it up to my husband with, “I mean, I would love to do that, but by the time I take care of the kids and the house and make time for you to do the things that you need to do, there’s just no time.”

Do you do this too?

You know what we’re doing, right?

We’re making excuses. Continue Reading

You remember that time the house fell apart. Well we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on that. We’ve been back in the house for a little over a month now. There is still drywall to touch up and flooring to carry into the bedrooms (among other things), but we’re in a livable space again and we’ve even had a working kitchen sink for a few weeks now. This is a big deal, folks. We’re feeling pretty fancy over here.

Now that our permanent RV-dwelling days are behind us, I’m finding some time to go through all of our photos and reminisce. We ended up spending 4 months in the RV, mostly in our yard, while we renovated the house. We celebrated Christmas, New Years, two birthdays and the birth of Springtime in what Serai affectionately calls “our house with the wheels”.

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