Merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much to everyone who has been so good to us this year! We have the best family, friends, and clients we could ever ask for and we feel incredibly blessed! We could not be where we are without you.
We hope that you all are having a fantastic holiday with family and friends! Don’t forget to slow down a little this season to enjoy the wonderful people who love you and show them how much you appreciate them.
Our goofy Christmas card from us to you :o)
Happy Birthday To Me!
So today is my birthday. I plan to start off the day with my very first yoga lession – I’m very excited! Then I’ll be going out with my handsome husband and doing whatever I feel like that does not involve sitting in front of the computer. YAY! (This is me doing cartwheels if I could!)
When you’ve had as many birthdays as I’ve had, I think it gets a bit harder to figure out anything you could possibly want for your birthday. Today, I think I just want rest and relaxation. There is one thing though that is always on my long term wish list but I’m having the hardest time figuring out how to go about it. I need your help!
To help illustrate, I’ve dug out some of my old photo class work from college. That’s right! I sifted through my NEGATIVES and old hand-printed work made with REAL film and chemicals in a darkroom! Wow – I would love to say those were the days but digital is so much nicer to me!
Even in my teens, I loved old rusty stuff
This was perhaps my favorite shot from Black and White class – Technically it’s not great but it’s very rustic Tennessee to me…
Ok, here’s the one to illustrate my request. I don’t know what the assignment was but I have all of these pictures of my feet in different places (back when I painted my toenails blue – yikes!) Zero in on those feet because I seriously heart foot tatoos and I’ve wanted one for the longest! The problem is that I can’t think of what to get.
I want something that has some sort of meaning to me so that when I’m 60, I’ll still want it around. It will also be pretty small – probably no bigger than a half-dollar coin although I could be convinced otherwise. I just don’t see myself as a big tatoo kind of gal. I’ve thought about doing something with my heritage maybe? I’m primarily Irish-German-Norwegian and totally Southern. My spiritual life is something I feel pretty private about so I don’t think I’d be big on religious symbols unless it was something really artistic and obscure – that could be cool. Art has always been a big part of my life so it could incorporate that in some way. I also like tatoos that commemorate milestones.
So what do you think? Any ideas? Do you have a tatoo? What were your thoughts/motivation when you got yours? I need inspiration because I want to go through with this oh so badly! I want to still like the tatoo when I’m 60 – not going to finally get it! Any thoughts, good vibes, and overall idea-sharing would be lovely!
Maybe I will spend my birthday watching old episodes of Miami and LA Ink! Just watching gives me the ink addiction…this could be dangerous….
Thanks for your help!
– Mel
The Echo of Life + A Question for our Readers
I was reading Joe Photo’s blog this morning, and came across this story and thought it was worth sharing:
A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams:
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating,
somewhere in the mountain: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”
Curious, he yells: “Who are you?”
He receives the answer: “Who are you?”
Angered at the response, he screams: “Coward!”
He receives the answer: “Coward!”
He looks to his father and asks: “What’s going on?”
The father smiles and says: “My son, pay attention.”
And then he screams to the mountain: “I admire you!”
The voice answers: “I admire you!”
Again the man screams: “You are a champion!”
The voice answers: “You are a champion!”
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: “People call this ECHO,
but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it.
Your life is not a coincidence. It’s a reflection of you!
– Author Unknown
I’m always inspired/pushed/provoked by stories & writing like this. I’ve often wanted to write and share similar things, but have yet to do it. I’ve been considering either starting a new blog or creating a separate section of this one where I can write/share this type of thing. In addition to that, we also get lots of emails from other photographers asking questions about how we do things, etc. I always try to get back with everyone as soon as I can, but as more emails come in, and as we get busier and busier, sometimes things slip through the cracks or it takes a long time to respond. Because of this, I’ve also been kicking around the idea of creating a blog for photographers. There are probably a few other things I’d like to write about as well, but I don’t necessarily think I should just start cramming it all on here!
I will eventually find an outlet for these things that I want to do at some point; but if I knew there were a lot of people interested right now, I would make it happen faster. So that brings me to the question: Are you interested?
Below, I’ve created the super easy, handy poll for you to use. It would also be helpful if you left a comment or sent me an email with things you might specifically be interested in, or not interested in. Depending upon the response, I will make something happen. It is up to YOU!