We photographed Julie and Craig’s union last October.   A year later, never have two people been more in love with each other and their sweet new little boy. :0)  Julie and Craig, we are overjoyed for you guys!  Can’t wait to watch your little family grow through the years! :0)


Mel and Sean

It’s been a while since you’ve seen these little ladies!  They were long overdue for their closeup.  Audrey turned 1 way back in February (she and Seven have the same birthday), Evie had her 3rd birthday last month, and the last family photos were taken when Audrey was barely a bump in Rachel’s tummy.  A marathon catchup session was in order!  These are probably my most chaotic (but still fun!) sessions.  How I love these girls, but being their Auntie Mel makes it so that they really don’t understand why I would be asking them to do anything but be pushed on the playground swings! :0)  Oh if you could only see the outtakes!   So here they are – my friend’s sweet little family in all their frilly, crazy, distracted, disheveled, adorable, all-around-wonderful glory!

Lauren, Audrey, and Evie – my goodness how they’re growing up!

And of course their lovely parents – looking as good as ever, even with 3 rug-rats to chase after!

Bubbles are the best kind of distraction…

…until someone steals all of the bubble wands. :0)

Evie calls it her “crazy hair” and she’s very proud of it.  Don’t you just want to touch it? :0)

munchkin giggles…

This part is always interesting – there just is not sit and smile with 3 girls under the age of 6 in a park full of fun things to do!  Still, we do what we can. ;0)

This one is my favorite from the shoot.  I just love that mischievous grin!

Thanks for looking!  Have a wonderful rest of the week!

– Mel

Jen and Steve are the kind of friends with whom we can do anything at all or nothing at all and it’s all a blast!  We can go for months without seeing each other and pick up right where we left off and being with them is like being home.  These are my favorite kind of friendships.  We had the pleasure of spending some time with them at their home a couple of weeks ago and while we were there, we forced them outside for a few quick family photos.  Photographers are the worst about making time for those!

Thanks so much for having us at such a crazy time you guys!  We loved seeing you and miss you already! Hope you enjoy the images!