Posts by Sean McLellan
McLellans take 2008 DWF/Finao Photographer of the Year Award
We had a fantastic time at the DWF convention this year. It was great to see all of our photographer friends from all over the world, we miss you already! It was also great to meet many new faces.
I’m ridiculously proud of my beautiful wife right now: Mel was awarded 2008 DWF/Finao Photographer of the Year! They even gave her a snazzy crystal trophy, which I have photographed for your viewing pleasure.

Thank you DWF and Finao!
Family Emergency
Hey everybody–as most of you know, we were expecting our first son to be born any day now. Everything had been absolutely fine during all of our doctor’s visits, check up’s, etc.
Last week, we felt like something might not quite be right, so we went in the night before our scheduled weekly check up–just to be extra careful about everything. We expected they’d check everything out and send us home; however, within a matter of minutes of arriving at the hospital they said that our baby was experiencing some distress, and that we need to go ahead and do a c-section as a precaution to make sure that they could take care of any problems, but that everything would probably be all right.
Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way–long story short, there were completely unexpected complications, and we lost our baby.
They kept us at the hospital for a week to make sure that Mel recovered–which she did. I just wanted to get this post up to let everybody know what happened–and let you all know that we’ll be closing the office, for the most part, for the next couple of weeks. I’ll try and get back with anything pertinent, and we’ll still be getting any orders that have come in out to everybody (Christmas cards, etc.)–but please be patient if we aren’t able to respond right away.
Thank you so much for everyone who has sent cards, flowers, thoughts, prayers, and everything else. You’ve all been a big help, and we greatly appreciate it.
Much love,
Sean & Mel
Elevate 4 Guest Speakers: Us!
Previous guest speakers at the first three Elevate workshops have included American Photo Magazine top 10 wedding photographers in the world: Steve and Jen Bebb, Gene Higa, Andrew and Rachel LaCour Niesen, and Curt Littlecott–Also, Ann Hamilton, wedding designer extraordinaire Lisa Konecny, and Ritz Carlton Director of Sales Kristy Chenell. We’re in great company, and thrilled to have been asked to be the guest speakers for Elevate 4! We’d love to see you there!
From the Elevate website:
Join us as we discuss developing and understanding your photographic style and how remaining committed to your style can be your strongest asset. We’ll talk about being your best: as an artist, as a photographer and as a business person. We will discuss the significance of setting goals, both short-term and long-term, and how the simple things you do to market will make your goals attainable. Finally, they will discuss the ever-appealing topic of destination weddings–how to attract them, and even more importantly, do you WANT to attract them. For more information visit For the first time, we’re hosting elevate at our storefront studio in Chattanooga, TN. Tuition fee is $1299 for complete workshop and $699 for individual days. Please inquire about same studio, husband-wife team, and refer a friend special discount. Seats are limited. We are also having an Open House for all photographers on October 13 @ 7pm, the eve of our workshop, come join us! In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions. |