Bekah and Josh Tie the Knot
When I first met Bekah Shepherd, she was just a small girl – my best friend Rachel’s little sister who would run wild with the little brothers and climb into bed with Rachel at night when we would have sleepovers. Years later she came to work for us, both in the office and then also as Seven’s nanny once he was born. Five days a week, all day long, for 2 years we were together in the same house and while even most people you really love become a bit tiresome after too much togetherness, I can honestly say that we never got tired of having Bekah around. My friend’s little sister became one of our dearest friends — “our Bekah” as we still call her today. She became a part of us, an intrinsic part of our life, as Shepherds have a way of doing. Even now, after she’s moved on to greater career aspirations for the past 3 years, we still conspire on how we might be able to lure her back in one day. ;)