This week it seems that much of the eastern United States is covered in snow (and I’m sure Canada too because isn’t this always the case? ;P). We hope you’re all staying warm and cozy, and enjoying the snowy blanket more than our little man did on his brief encounter! ;0)
Happy Snow!

Seven looks soooo cute! Stay warm :)
He just gets cuter! Love his little jeans and hoddie. I give you props for dressing him. I don’t like the pooh outfits and cartoons. He looks like a little man, adorable.
Super cute! Great photo. I’m cold just looking at it. I want that hoodie. Maybe one that’s a lil bigger.
I totally agree with this intuitive little man. Don’t like cold!!!!
LOVE This pic! I met you guys last
year at a pictage event and I am
smitten with Mclellan Style! Do you
guys do any mentoring? Just curious. I need some advice on
business licensing etc…Thanks
so much!
What a sweet little sad face!