Excuses, Excuses…
I do this thing when it comes to pursuing my professional dreams. I say, “sure. I’ll do that someday when the kids are bigger, but they come first right now.” I follow it up to my husband with, “I mean, I would love to do that, but by the time I take care of the kids and the house and make time for you to do the things that you need to do, there’s just no time.”
Do you do this too?
You know what we’re doing, right?
We’re making excuses.
It’s totally true that my kids come first right now, and they should. But really, what does that have to do with it? Can’t they come first while I still find a way to carve out a little time to dedicate to my goals? Maybe the time I usually spend scrolling through Facebook? Um, yeah…
I’m lucky that Sean doesn’t take my excuses. He just fires back with, “we can make time for you to do what you want too. We just need to schedule better.”
Excuse rejected.
The truth is, we all feel very busy and can tell ourselves that there will be a better time in the future, but life never stops. There’s always going to be something that makes our goals feel inconvenient. If we really want something, we can make time for it. It may not be a lot of time, but little by little, we can find a way.
So here I am, resisting the urge to check my Facebook notifications and sitting down to carve out a little time to write. I’m going to post this without overanalyzing how many times I overused certain phrases (pursue your dreams much?), or if I have all the commas in the right places. I’m putting away my excuses and pursuing my dreams.
What if everyone did this? Can you even imagine how much more amazing the world would be if everyone made time to chase their passions? We all have something bottled up inside us that we are meant to share with the world.
What are you letting excuses get in the way of you doing?
Or if you’ve already conquered your excuses, care to share some ways that you’re making time to pursue your dreams? Help a sister out! Please and thank you! :)
Let’s get it done together.
— Mel

Poor forward-facing camera image quality + 1 awkward selfie-taker = lots of little photos in lieu of one nice one. Here I am doing one of my current favorite time-makers: learning through podcasts while I do mundane tasks.
Love this!! And go Sean!
Thanks Coral! :) You are killing it over there, Mama!