A New McLellan Joins the World
It’s an interesting thing to live in the era of modern social media. Even a concept so new as a blog seems kind of antiquated now that all of our online interactions are so heavily filtered through Facebook and Instagram. But antiquated or not, this blog is where we document the major happenings of our life and business and a new little McLellan is definitely a major life occurrence!
So for documentation purposes, and for those of you who may not be connected with us on Facebook, we would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family: Ever Sabeen McLellan.

Photo courtesy of Jennie Pyfferoen Photography
As with all of our children, we get a lot of questions about her name and why we chose it. Well first of all, we love it. :) We love the sound of it and the fact that it’s so different. (If you haven’t already noticed, we put a high priority on rarity when naming our children. ;)) Also, Ever means “constant” and Ever Sabeen, when put together, means many things along the lines of “ever possible” or the concept of always forging your own path. We thought those were pretty cool wishes for our daughter.
Here’s a little glimpse into our life over the past month with our new little lady…
Ever was born on August 15, 2013 at 10:10am. She weighed in at 6 lbs., 10.5 oz and 20″ long. Because my uterus had suffered a rupture with Serai, everyone agreed that a scheduled c-section would be the way to go and I’m so glad we did. It was such a smooth and stress-free process from beginning to end, a welcomed shift from our previous birth experiences. It was just a happy day. :)
Ever has already proven herself to be the perfect addition. She is super sweet and relaxed and sleeps late in true McLellan fashion. The big kids love her to pieces, especially Serai Claire, who took us by complete surprise with how much she already likes this new creature who is taking up so much of her mommy’s time! :)
Sean and I feel so lucky/blessed/fortunate — all of it! How could we not with such a beautiful crew?
Ever – you are already an intrinsic part of us and loved beyond measure. Welcome to our family, my love.
Your mama
This is perfect guys, but Sean’s look holding Ever in the hospital is priceless :)